Now I want to think and write about the question: Has Christmas changed over the years?
In my opinion it's the normal way of life. Things are changing. The way a child is feeling and makes its experiences is different to an adult. In a children’s world is a lot of space for dreams, tales and fantasy. The time seems to stop when you are waiting for Christmas Eve. When I was a child, my father and I visited my grandma in the afternoon of Christmas Eve. I was very excited and hopeful that the time will go by fast. But it didn't. It was like a big pink bubble gum, stretching and it seemed that it didn't want.
Finally we arrived at home, the Livingroom-door was closed and I had to wait again. We didn't call it Santa Claus, who came to bring the gifts; we were waiting for the Christ Child. In my fantasy it was an angel with big white wings and long fair hair. It came through the window and so it left, that's why I never was able to have a look at it. I eavesdropped at the door trying to hear something that would give me a sign that it was already there. I heard quiet noises, might be the Christ Child was preparing my gifts. I was so curious and excited!
Finally the music began to play. That was the sign that the door could be opened by me. With big eyes I looked back to my mother and my grandma, asking them for their "go!" and then I opened the door.

First thing I saw was the Christmas tree, sparkling and glistening by nearly more than hundred lights, so it seemed to me, and on the second sight, I saw my presents lying on the sofa. Every Christmas in my childhood, I got presents I loved to have and I was glad to get them.
When my children were little we celebrated Christmas Eve in the same way. We went for a walk or to church and then they had to wait in front of the closed door till Christ Child finished its work in the living room.
After repeating a poem they were allowed opening the door and had a look on their presents. And then it was time to play and to eat and drink.
Now my children are grown-up and the way we celebrate the Christmas Eve has changed.
Now we meet in the living-room for a very nice fondue with meat, fish, salads, bread, different dips and mixed pickles. We eat and talk and we enjoy to be together. When we are nearly full we
stop eating and then we take our Christmas family pictures of the year. That means a lot of fun, because Thompson has to start the camera for making the photos after few seconds by itself. So he
has to push the button and to rush to us, standing in a group in front of the camera, smiling and waiting for the "click". Sometimes it "clicks" more than one time, so we change our positions
into very funny ones.
After taking pictures we give our presents to each other, unpack them and most of the time we are very glad about the
presents and happy to get them.
Last Christmas my children gave nearly the same present to each other. They bought concert tickets for the same group, but different days. That was really funny.
So, yes, the way of celebrating Christmas changed over the years, but it never changed into a worse way only to another way and I really enjoyed every Christmas Eve I ever had.
And I'm looking forward to our next Christmases.
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